(Dynamic Emotional Energy Processing)
DEEP (formerly known as NEET) is an acronym meaning Dynamic Emotional Energy Processing. I have spent over a decade developing DEEP from my knowledge and experience as an energy healer. What does DEEP do?
As we live our life, we have experiences that create an emotional energetic "block" in one (or many) of the subtle energy fields that surround each and everyone of us. The problem is this "block" is always there in our subconscious and comes to the surface of our conscious mind when we are again faced with a similar situation.
These subconscious emotional beliefs, feelings and attitudes affect our actions and openess to create the experiences in our life that we truly want. The subconscious is in control of our actions 95% of the time. This means that our conscious mind, where we make all of our decisions and plans for our life only has 5% of control in determining where our life actually goes. (Bruce Lipton Phd, 2010)
For example, let us say that you have a subconscious belief that says "to make money, I have to have a college degree." You have a sub-belief that "a comfortable amount of money is $50k a year." Currently you do not have a college degree and only make minimum wage. Your life perfectly reflects your programming in this example. Let's say you went to college for a little while and eventually told yourself "it's just not me" or "I'm not smart enough" or "have enough money to continue college."
These programs have now connected with the original program causing an impasse to you making $50k a year. Subconsciously you will take actions (or not take actions) that will lead to making very little money. The programs that are controlling your life at this point are "I have to have a college degree to make money", "I can't get a college degree because of ____." Your subconscious then works to create your life inline with its belief. In this case, you can't make money because you don't have a college degree.
When your conscious mind looks around at the world, it hears stories of people who dropped out of high school and made millions. It hears other stories of those with advanced college degrees that are working for minimum wage. It says that I don't "absolutely" have to have a college degree to make money. You then take action on this conscious belief and most likely experience failure after failure trying to make more money than you are now. This is because your conscious mind's 5% control cannot overcome the subconscious mind's 95% control.
The DEEP technique is a way to process the emotional baggage that is taking up that 95% of your life.