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Episode 38 - UFOs
"It's A Bird, It's A Plane, It's A... What The Hell Is It?!!"
Show Notes
This episode we discuss UFOs...
-Are they really extraterrestrial visitors?
- How do they operate?
- Is there any evidence as to what they are?
- Does UFO actually stand for U Found One?
Links and References
Evidence of UFO sightings by ancient civilizations
History Channel - Ancient Aliens
Theory on UFO's using hyperspace to travel
Explanation of moving at right angles in all directions
Method of space travel used in Frank Herbert's Dune series
Holtzman effect
Are UFOs us merely visiting ourselves from our own future?
Bootstrap paradox
Drunvalo Melchizedek's explanation of using merkabah for space/time travel
Merkabah and Atlantis
Dogon's experience with extraterrestrial visitation
Discussion from The Sirius Mystery by Robert Temple
Previous Episodes Referenced
UFOs traveling through space/time
Episode 30 - the Multiverse
-Are they really extraterrestrial visitors?
- How do they operate?
- Is there any evidence as to what they are?
- Does UFO actually stand for U Found One?
Links and References
Evidence of UFO sightings by ancient civilizations
History Channel - Ancient Aliens
Theory on UFO's using hyperspace to travel
Explanation of moving at right angles in all directions
Method of space travel used in Frank Herbert's Dune series
Holtzman effect
Are UFOs us merely visiting ourselves from our own future?
Bootstrap paradox
Drunvalo Melchizedek's explanation of using merkabah for space/time travel
Merkabah and Atlantis
Dogon's experience with extraterrestrial visitation
Discussion from The Sirius Mystery by Robert Temple
Previous Episodes Referenced
UFOs traveling through space/time
Episode 30 - the Multiverse