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Episode 59 - Sacred Geometry
"And God Said, 'Let There Be Shapes!'"
Show Notes
This episode we explore the nature of sacred geometry.
Sacred Geometry:
the study of proportion and inherent order in space, including how shapes affect energy, an ancient study that has been preserved in certain mystical traditions… measurements, properties and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces and solids are observed and related to the pure principles existing in nature
- What makes these specific geometric patterns sacred?
- How does sacred geometry affect our reality?
- Can we use the knowledge of sacred geometry in our own lives?
- Although not all angles in sacred geometry are 90 degrees, are they still right?
Links and References
Definition of sacred geometry shared by Donald
LightSOURCE - Spiral of Light
Ancient Egyptian initiates learning sacred geometry
The Egyptian Mystery School
Platonic solids and other examples of sacred geometry
Sue Studios
Example of 4th dimension projected into 3rd dimension
Hypercube explanation
Sacred geometry as a blueprint for nature
The History of God: A Story of the Beginning of Everything by Guy Needler (book)
Solar activity affecting consciousness
Pakalert Press
Example of our own nature seeking balance
Never, Ever Give Up. Arthur's Inspirational Transformation!
Jason Padgett drawing sacred geometry after accident
Real 'Beautiful Mind' article
Previous Episodes Referenced
Sacred Geometry forming physical reality
Episode 7: Reality
Sacred geometry influencing human evolution
Episode 58: Human Evolution
Sacred Geometry:
the study of proportion and inherent order in space, including how shapes affect energy, an ancient study that has been preserved in certain mystical traditions… measurements, properties and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces and solids are observed and related to the pure principles existing in nature
- What makes these specific geometric patterns sacred?
- How does sacred geometry affect our reality?
- Can we use the knowledge of sacred geometry in our own lives?
- Although not all angles in sacred geometry are 90 degrees, are they still right?
Links and References
Definition of sacred geometry shared by Donald
LightSOURCE - Spiral of Light
Ancient Egyptian initiates learning sacred geometry
The Egyptian Mystery School
Platonic solids and other examples of sacred geometry
Sue Studios
Example of 4th dimension projected into 3rd dimension
Hypercube explanation
Sacred geometry as a blueprint for nature
The History of God: A Story of the Beginning of Everything by Guy Needler (book)
Solar activity affecting consciousness
Pakalert Press
Example of our own nature seeking balance
Never, Ever Give Up. Arthur's Inspirational Transformation!
Jason Padgett drawing sacred geometry after accident
Real 'Beautiful Mind' article
Previous Episodes Referenced
Sacred Geometry forming physical reality
Episode 7: Reality
Sacred geometry influencing human evolution
Episode 58: Human Evolution